Opening hours in Fuerteventura


Fuerteventura's business hours are generally the same as the rest of the islands. 

Shops open between 10:00h and 22:00h from Monday to Saturday without interruption in the case of shopping centres and large shopping areas, leaving Sundays for the opening of leisure and restaurant areas. 

As for small shops, the timetable is very similar with the difference that there is a break at midday, starting at 12:00 - 14:00 and returning to the opening of shops between 16:00 and 17:00. Otherwise, the schedule is the same as in the large areas, opening at 09:00 and closing at 22:00. 

In the more touristy areas of the island the opening hours are longer. In the restaurants we can see bars and cafeterias open from 07:00 hours uninterruptedly until 23.00 or 00:00 hours. In addition, the shops open around 09:00h and close at 22:00h or even later at weekends and in the summer season, when there are more visitors to our islands. 

On public holidays, some shops do not open so you should visit their websites to find out about opening dates.

If we talk about the Christmas season, these schedules vary slightly:

On December 24th and 31st the shops usually close between 7pm and 8pm for the enjoyment of the workers and their families. 
On 25 December and 1 January, shops are closed for Christmas and New Year. 
On January 5, shops tend to open until 00:00h to make the last purchases.
On Sundays at this time, many are the shops that decide to open uninterruptedly from 10:00h to 22:00h during all the holidays in December and the first week of January.